
Tuesday May 09, 2017
Episode 3 - What is Work? Part I
Tuesday May 09, 2017
Tuesday May 09, 2017
In this episode, we begin our exploration of the question What is Work? Along the way, we'll discover it's not as straight-forward a question as we might imagine, and that many caveats and complexities make finding an answer a tricky business indeed!ReferencesBottomley, John Hard Work Never Killed Anybody: How the Idolisation of Work Sustains this Deadly Lie. Northcote: Morning Star Publishing, 2015.
Cosden, Darrell A Theology of Work: Work and the New Creation. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2004.
Fleming, Peter Resisting Work: The Corporatization of Life and its Discontents. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2015.
Hannam, James God's Philosophers: How the Medieval World Laid the Foundations of Modern Science. Duxford: Icon Books Ltd, 2010.
Jensen, David H. Responsive Labor: A Theology of Work. Louisville & London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2006
Volf, Miroslav Work In The Spirit: Toward a Theology of Work. Eugene: Wif and Stock Publisher, 2001

Friday May 05, 2017
Episode 2 - The Theology of Work
Friday May 05, 2017
Friday May 05, 2017
In this episode we will explore the necessity for the Church to develop a systematic theology of work, using as our lens an encounter between Jesus and a crippled woman as told in The Gospel According to Luke.
Bloomquist, Karen L. The Dream Betrayed: Religious Challenge of the Working Class. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1990.
Dunlop, Tim Why The Future Is Workless. Sydney: NewSouth Publishing, 2016.
Volf, Miroslav Work In The Spirit: Toward A Theology of Work. Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001.

Monday May 01, 2017
Episode 1 - Welcome to Ergasia
Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017
In this introductory episode, we learn the meaning of Ergasia, unpack some of the basic motivations behind this podcast, and sketch an outline of future episodes.